
Nutritional Science for Women from a Vegan Perspective: Age-Specific and Cultural Approaches
健康全般 · 2024/07/22
A woman's body changes with age, and each stage has its unique nutritional needs. For vegans, it's crucial to meet these needs solely through plant-based foods. Let's examine the characteristics and necessary nutrients for each age group, from teenagers to those in their 60s and beyond. Additionally, we'll consider vegan-appropriate nutrition for women from various cultural approaches, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western herbs. [Age-Specific Approach] Teens to Early 20s: Addressing...

健康全般 · 2024/07/11
女性の体は年齢とともに変化し、それぞれの時期に特有の栄養ニーズがあります。 ヴィーガンにとっては、これらのニーズを植物性食品のみで満たすことが重要になります。 10代から60代以降まで、各年代の特徴と必要な栄養素を見ていきましょう。...

What’s going to happen after eat?
健康全般 · 2024/07/10
Have you heard the saying, "You are what you eat"? This old adage actually contains a profound truth that is highly relevant in modern nutrition science. The food we consume daily is not merely a source of energy, but a crucial element that constitutes and regulates our bodies. However, for many people, the concept of a "balanced diet" may seem abstract and difficult to incorporate into their daily lives. So, let's explore the basics of nutrients and their practical applications in everyday...

健康全般 · 2024/07/08
「あなたの体は、あなたが食べたものでできている」 この古い格言は、実は現代の栄養学でも非常に重要な真理を含んでいます。 私たちが日々摂取する食事は、単なるエネルギー源ではなく、私たちの体を構成し、調整する重要な要素なのです。...