Fertility and Embracing the Harmony of Nature and Lunar Rhythms

Today, I’d like to share a personal experience that I hope will resonate with those of you trying to conceive, or dealing with menstrual pain and gynaecological concerns. As you read, try to imagine the scenes and feel the emotions behind them. Let’s take a mindful journey together.


Having grown up in the countryside, where I lived in sync with the natural rhythms of the earth, embarking on the journey of trying to conceive became an opportunity to reconnect with the deep bond I had always felt with nature. The cycles of a woman’s body, such as menstruation and ovulation, mirrored the natural cycles I had always experienced. As I progressed through my fertility journey, I realised that I could make use of this alignment. In particular, pelvic floor muscle training and adopting a natural diet helped me to deepen my connection with both my body and the rhythm of the moon.


Childhood Memories of Nature’s Rhythms


I remember having the chance to help plant rice in a neighbour’s paddy field as a primary school student. The timing for planting and harvesting rice depended on the seasons and the weather, and on full moon nights, the fields were illuminated by a magical light that filled the air with a special atmosphere. Even as a child, I understood that living according to nature’s rhythms was simply the way things were, and it brought a sense of comfort.


Seasonal changes, shifts in weather, and the movements of the sun and moon all impact our daily lives in profound ways. Having known this intuitively, when I reached adulthood and began thinking about trying to conceive, it felt most natural to approach it in harmony with nature. Although I had been raised with access to modern medicine, which I understood to be valuable and essential, my fertility journey began by focusing on the rhythms my body naturally followed and tapping into those rhythms to the fullest.


Pelvic Floor Muscle Training: Reclaiming My Body’s Rhythm


As a beauty therapist with some knowledge of the body, the first step I took was to begin **pelvic floor muscle training**. The pelvic floor muscles play a crucial role in supporting the female reproductive organs, as well as being involved in functions like urination, menstruation, and childbirth. I learnt that strengthening these muscles could help me control my menstrual flow and assist my body in reclaiming its natural rhythm.


Through pelvic floor muscle training, I reached a point where I could regulate the amount of menstrual flow to some extent. This wasn’t just a physical change; it also brought significant mental reassurance. My menstrual cycle became more regular, and I began to feel that my body was managing itself, regaining a stable rhythm that reflected its natural state.


Nourishment Through Natural Foods


Along with training my body, I placed a strong emphasis on diet. I focused on **natural foods**, avoiding additives and processed products, and choosing fresh, seasonal vegetables and ingredients as much as possible. Due to my unique sensitivity to the energy of food, I chose ingredients not only based on preference but also on the energy I felt from them. Now, don’t get me wrong—I understand how delicious junk food can be. I, too, enjoy it. But I realised the importance of treating my body’s needs separately from taste preferences, embracing a balance between indulgence and nourishment. Sadly, not many people manage to strike that balance.


Looking at it from the perspective of fertility, this method’s significance became even more apparent. Incorporating natural foods into my diet improved my energy circulation. It helped to regulate my hormone balance, making me feel healthier both physically and mentally. By combining foods with good nutritional value and easily digestible meals on a weekly basis, my menstrual cycle became more and more stable. I felt as though my body was perfectly aligning itself with nature’s rhythms.


During this time, I also spent some time visiting friends' farms and touching the soil through small-scale gardening on my balcony. Nowadays, shared farming plots and similar services are widely available. I believe that growing your own crops can have a profoundly positive effect on both the body and mind.


 Aligning Menstruation with the Full Moon


As I continued with my dietary changes and pelvic floor muscle training, my body began to sync with the full moon, and my menstruation started to coincide with it. This was an astonishing change, but at the same time, it felt entirely natural. The moon’s phases affect many aspects of nature, from the tides to the reproductive cycles of animals. Gradually, I began to feel that my own body, as a woman, was also responding to this lunar rhythm.


When my menstruation started occurring on the full moon, it gave me a profound sense that my body was in complete harmony with the natural world. Additionally, since the new moon aligned with my ovulation, the process of planning for pregnancy became much smoother. During the full moon, my body felt as though it was cleansing itself, and by the new moon, I was preparing for the possibility of new life. The synchronisation of my body and the moon’s rhythm made it easier to calculate the timing for conception.


Embracing Natural Rhythms for Physical and Mental Balance


Living in harmony with nature’s cycles wasn’t only beneficial for trying to conceive; it also helped me maintain balance physically and mentally. In today’s fast-paced society, it’s easy to lose sight of our body’s natural rhythm amidst the stress and demands of daily life. But by turning our attention back to the natural cycles around us and living in alignment with them, we can achieve a sense of calm and stability, both in mind and body.


One of the most reassuring aspects of this experience was realising that my menstrual cycle followed the moon’s phases. Having a regular, predictable cycle brought a sense of peace, helping me to feel more deeply connected to nature and easing the stresses and worries that often accompany the fertility journey. This newfound stability reduced my anxiety about conception and gave me a more positive outlook.


Tips for Harnessing Nature’s Rhythm in Fertility


Whether you’re trying to conceive, aiming to maintain good health, or simply seeking to understand your body better, tuning in to your own rhythms is key. When you approach fertility with an understanding of your body’s natural cycles and align your lifestyle with those rhythms, the journey can become much smoother. Here are some tips based on my experience of embracing the harmony of nature during my fertility journey:


1. Pelvic Floor Muscle Training  

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can help regulate menstruation and balance your body’s natural rhythm. This can also prepare you better for conception.


2. Incorporating Natural Foods

By consciously choosing fresh vegetables and natural foods, you can improve your hormonal balance and help your body reclaim its inherent rhythm.


3. Living in Sync with the Moon’s Phases

By aligning your lifestyle with the moon’s phases, you can feel more in tune with nature. Meditation and relaxation practices that coincide with the full moon and new moon can also help you maintain balance in your body and mind.


4. Relaxation for the Body and Mind  

Incorporate relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or walks in nature to reduce stress and calm the mind. These practices are essential for maintaining stability and positivity, particularly during your fertility journey.

My fertility experience was deeply rooted in an awareness of nature’s harmony. The rhythms of nature that I had intuitively felt since childhood were closely intertwined with the cycles of menstruation and pregnancy. Through pelvic floor muscle training and adopting a natural diet, I was able to reconnect my body with the lunar rhythms, gaining invaluable insights into managing the journey of conception smoothly.

For those of you who want to know more about your own body, I offer personalised advice during treatment sessions. If you're interested, feel free to make an appointment or enquire via the contact form.