
Are you feeling tired yet? Preventing summer fatigue: Let's get through the summer with spinach!

If eating certain foods could help prevent heat stroke and summer sluggishness, would you be interested in incorporating them into your diet?


Spinach, which is easily available at supermarkets.

It's an easy ingredient to handle as it doesn't take long to cook and its nutrients barely change when frozen.

It's especially recommended as a food for the summer, and one reason is that spinach is excellent for hydration. Over 90% of spinach is water, so it can quench your thirst. It can also effectively replenish the vitamins and minerals that tend to be lost through heavy sweating in the summer heat. It's rich in iron, vitamins A, C, and E, which also help maintain your immune system. What's more, spinach has powerful antioxidant properties that can protect your body from the strong summer sunlight. Vitamins C and E can mitigate damage from ultraviolet rays and neutralise free radicals. When summer fatigue strikes, it's worth tapping into the power of this green blessing to maintain your energy levels.



1. Nutritional Value of Spinach

  • Spinach is an extremely nutrient-dense vegetable, rich in the following nutrients:
  • Vitamin A: Necessary for maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes.
  •  Vitamin C: Strengthens the immune system and promotes collagen production. 
  •  Iron: Required for producing hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood.
  •  Folate: Assists with cell production and renewal, especially crucial for pregnant women.
  •  Magnesium: Supports normal muscle and nerve function.
  •  Dietary Fibre: Promotes digestion and a healthy gut environment.



2. Top3Health Benefits

  1. Boosts Immunity: The abundant vitamin C makes it effective for preventing colds and infections.
  2. Prevents Anaemia: Rich in iron, especially beneficial for women and growing children.  
  3. Heart Health: Potassium regulates blood pressure and supports cardiovascular health.



3.Top3 Beauty Benefits

  1. Glowing Skin: Vitamins C and A promote collagen production, maintaining skin elasticity.
  2. Anti-Ageing: Antioxidants mitigate free radical damage and slow ageing.
  3. Hair Health: B vitamins and iron promote hair growth and maintain healthy hair.



When selecting spinach at the supermarket, keep these 3 points in mind:

Leaf Colour: Choose spinach with deep green, unwilted leaves.  

Stem Condition: Look for thick, sturdy stems. Avoid dried out stems.

Leaf Texture: Fresh spinach should have crisp, succulent leaves.



While spinach is a highly nutritious vegetable, combining it with other veggies can boost its power even more. Here are some simple recipe ideas:

Spinach + Tomatoes

- Creamy Spinach Tomato Soup: Blend spinach, tomatoes, garlic, onions, and soy milk. Heat and serve.

Spinach + Carrots

- Vegetable Spinach Curry: Blend spinach, potatoes, and soy milk. Add potatoes, chickpeas, spices (turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, long pepper, etc.). Add chilli for heat if desired. Adjust salt to taste.

Spinach + Bell Peppers

- Spinach Pepper Pasta: A simple peperoncino pasta with spinach, bell peppers, garlic, and chilli.


I made a spinach curry recently and used the carrots in pakoras, an Indian fried snack. While you can blend all ingredients into one dish, I generally aim to have at least three dishes on the table. It takes more time and effort, but to live life joyfully, I believe we must never forget to be grateful for our health.