
1-Week ✨Beauty✨ Diet Starting Next Week: Monday & Tuesday
美容 · 2024/11/21
Last week, Fukuoka was extremely hot, but the weather is finally starting to feel more autumnal—or rather, it seems we might skip autumn altogether and transition straight into winter. As the weather cools and we layer up, it’s easy to lose sight of our body shape. Let’s give ourselves a little nudge to stay mindful! So, let’s begin the ✨Beauty✨ Diet from the start of next week! Why not join me? Food, Exercise, and Skincare By tackling these three areas step by step, we’ll...
美容 · 2024/11/21
先週まで福岡はとても暑かったですが、やっと秋らしく、というか秋を感じない間に冬に移り変わりそうです。 厚着していると、つい自分のプロポーションを忘れてしまいがちですが、その部分に喝を入れたいと思います。 ということで、来週の頭から始める✨美✨ダイエット!一緒に行っていきませんか? 食事・運動・スキンケア...

The Importance of What We Incorporate into Our Daily Lives
美容 · 2024/11/06
What did you eat last night? What do you use to wash your body, and what skincare routine did you follow? When preparing for a wedding or birthday, what special care do you take? If answering the third question makes you more excited than the first or second, take note. People, especially women, are drawn to the feeling of "special." We love special care; it’s like a reward. But, the most important thing in life is often "consistency." What we do every day matters most. Today, I'd like to...
美容 · 2024/11/05
昨晩、あなたが食べたものは何ですか? 何で体を洗い、どんな肌のお手入れをしましたか? 結婚式前やお誕生日、あなたは特別なケアとして、何をしますか? 1番目、2番目と比べて、3番目に質問したことに答えるのは、なんだかわくわくした、という方は要注意です。 人間、特に女性は『特別』という感覚に弱いです。...

Concerns About Your Jawline: Solutions You Can Start Today
美容 · 2024/10/17
Where do you feel concerned about your face? When I ask this question, the most common response is about the "lower half of the face." As we age, it seems as if our face lengthens vertically. Babies tend to have round, cute faces, but as adults, we become more elongated, don’t we? One of the reasons for this is the "temporomandibular joint" (TMJ). The jaw makes complex movements to allow us to talk and chew food. It’s not directly connected to the skull but is supported by several muscles...
美容 · 2024/10/16
あなたは顔のどこで悩んでいますか? お客様に、この質問をした時に多いのが「フェイスライン」「下半顔」の悩みです。 年齢と共に顔は縦に伸びていく印象があります。赤ちゃんはみんなまるくて可愛い顔をしていますが、大人になるとだんだん面長になりますよね? その原因の一つが「顎関節」です。...

Tips for growing your hair quickly and beautifully
美容 · 2024/06/24
I'm currently growing out my hair, but I struggle with thick, curly hair and a lot of volume. The rainy season is particularly challenging, so every year, as soon as it begins, I get a special treatment at the hair salon. Well, when I arrived at the salon, the hairdresser asked, "Have you ever had a hair quality improvement treatment?" I thought I had tried all sorts of treatments before, so I answered yes, but I had no idea that this hair quality treatment would end up impressing me so much....
美容 · 2024/06/23
今、髪を伸ばしているのですが、太めのくせ毛、毛量も多いので苦労します。 梅雨の季節は特に大変になるので、毎年、梅雨入りと同時に美容室でのスペシャルケアを行います。 さて、美容室につくと美容師さんが 「髪質改善トリートメントはされたことがありますか?」 とお尋ねになりました。...

Upper Arm Slimming Week
美容 · 2024/05/26
Starting today, I'll be focusing on slimming our arms for one week in preparation for summer. If you'd like to join, please keep reading. First, let's start with some basic nutritional knowledge... 【Top 5 Nutrients for Effective Dieting】 1. Protein - An essential nutrient for maintaining and building muscle. Plant-based high-protein foods include legumes, tofu, tempeh, nuts, and quinoa. 2. Fibre - Important for promoting a feeling of fullness and aiding digestion. Get it from whole grains,...
美容 · 2024/05/25
今日から1週間は、夏に向けて二の腕痩せを実施していこうと思います。 一緒に行いたい方は、是非これから先、読み進めてみてくださいね。 まずは、基礎知識から、ということで…… 【ダイエットに効果的な栄養素5選】...
