
Cultivating the Power of Sensing :Mushy Peas
精神・心理 · 2024/06/13
Recently, I acquired some dried marrowfat peas. Now, what are these used for? Mushy peas - a traditional dish from the Midlands and Northern England. They are a side dish commonly served with fish and chips, but surprisingly, I never actually tried them during my time living in the UK!! So, having been gifted these, I decided to give cooking them a go. After searching online, the recipe was quite straightforward: 1) Soak the peas in hot water with bicarbonate of soda 2) Simmer with sugar and...

感じる力を育てる: エンドウ豆
精神・心理 · 2024/06/12
最近、乾燥えんどう豆を手に入れました。 これ、何に使うのかというと、Mushy peasという中・北部イギリスの伝統料理です。 フィッシュアンドチップスの付け合わせに使われる食材なのですが、実は、私、イギリスに住んでいたころに一度も食べたことがなかったのです!! ということで、せっかく頂いたので、調理してみることにしました。 ネットで調べると……...

Why do I choose a vegan lifestyle?
精神・心理 · 2024/06/01
Normally, I don't consume any animal-based foods at all. I'm often asked, "Not even milk or eggs?" But I eliminate all dairy products, egg products, and even fish-based dashi stock. Previously, I enjoyed eating dairy products. I liked the hamburgers my mother made. White chocolate was my absolute favourite. However, nowadays I don't consume any of those at all. Why do I go to such lengths...? The biggest reason is that "following the voice of my body and mind" has resulted in this dietary...

精神・心理 · 2024/05/31
私は普段、動物性食品は一切取りません。 牛乳や卵もですか?とよく聞かれますが、乳製品、卵製品、鰹節などの魚介由来のお出汁も全て排除です。 以前は、乳製品を好んで食べていました。母が作るハンバーグも好きでした。ホワイトチョコレートが大好物でした。 しかし、今は、一切摂っていません。 なぜそこまでするのか……?...

Relaxed with Onion Soup
精神・心理 · 2024/05/28
What would you choose as a reward after working hard all day? There are probably quite a few people who would say "eat something delicious!" While there are various methods, by swapping out that "delicious thing" for ingredients with relaxing effects, your hard-earned reward can become something pleasing for both your mind and body. Today, I'd like to write about the mental benefits of the familiar ingredient onion, and its impact on our minds and bodies. You often see new onions at the...

精神・心理 · 2024/05/27
一日頑張ったご褒美に、あなたは何を選びますか? 色んな方法があると思いますが、おいしいものを食べる!という人は結構いるのではないでしょうか?...