 · 2024/12/20
最近、お客様とシミ対策のために飲んでいるサプリメントについて、お話する機会がありました。 シミってとっても難しくないですか?...
Recipes with Synergistic Effects When Combined with Protein
骨・筋肉 · 2024/12/16
Two weeks ago was focused on dieting, last week on fasting, and next week, I’m planning to dedicate to strength training. We all know protein is essential for building muscle, but are you aware of the other ingredients that enhance its effectiveness? Broccoli? Broccoli, known for its higher protein content compared to other vegetables, low calorie count, and rich Vitamin C content, is a popular choice among those into strength training. But there’s so much more than just broccoli. To build...

骨・筋肉 · 2024/12/13
先々週はダイエット週間、先週はファスティング週間、ということで、来週は筋トレ週間にしていこうかなと考えています。 筋肉をつけるには、たんぱく質が必要なことはみなさんご存じだと思いますが、たんぱく質を活かす他の食材のことはご存じでしょうか? ブロッコリー?...
Muscle Building! Recommended Protein
骨・筋肉 · 2024/12/12
A few times a year, I get caught up in a muscle-building craze. For those focusing on strength training, protein likely plays a significant role, don’t you think? How do you feel about drinking protein shakes? Personally, I used to dislike the artificial, chemical-tasting flavour often associated with protein drinks. Do you know what I mean? That synthetic “sports drink” vibe? It wasn’t for me, so I couldn’t stick with it. However, ever since discovering a certain protein, I’ve been...

骨・筋肉 · 2024/12/11
年に何回か、筋肉強化ブームが私には訪れます(笑) 筋肉トレーニングを意識している方々にとって「プロテイン」の存在は大きいと思いますが、どうでしょう? プロテインを飲むのはお好きですか? 私は、プロテイン特有の清涼飲料水感......っていったらわかります? 人工物、化学調味料のような味が苦手だったんです。...
You Might Be Eating Insects Without Realising It
健康全般 · 2024/12/10
During Diet Week, I briefly touched on this topic, and I believe many of you have started developing the habit of checking ingredient labels. However, have you ever come across unfamiliar names written in katakana on these labels? Today, I’d like to introduce one of them: cochineal colour. In Our Daily Diet, We Might Be Consuming Insects Without Realising It In our everyday lives, it’s possible that we unknowingly consume insects. This is especially true for processed foods that often...

健康全般 · 2024/12/09
ダイエットウィークの時に少し触れたのですが、原材料の表示を見る習慣が付いてきている方もおおいのではないかなと思います。 しかし、カタカナで書かれたよくわからない表示ってありませんか? そのうちの1つ「コチニール色素」を今日はご紹介します。 日々の食生活において、私たちは無意識のうちに虫を摂取していることがあります。...
Day 3 of 3DAYFasting
健康全般 · 2024/12/06
To start from the beginning of this week’s series, click here. How was your fasting day yesterday? And how are you feeling this morning? Feeling lighter Improved skin condition Better digestion These are common responses from clients who have completed fasting. As for me, I spent the day as usual. Since it’s the end of the year, I took some time to review my finances for the year. Money is a form of energy, and reflecting on it, calculating, and managing it can provide insights similar to...

健康全般 · 2024/12/06
今週の記事のはじまりは、こちらからどうぞ。 昨日の断食Dayはいかがお過ごしになりましたか? 今朝の状態はいかがでしょう? ・体が軽い ・肌の調子が良い ・胃腸の調子が良い ↑この辺りは、よくファスティングを行ったお客様からいただく感想です。 私は、いつも通り、一日を終えました。...
Day 2 of 3DAYFasting
健康全般 · 2024/12/05
If you’d like to start reading from the beginning, please check out the earlier posts. Today is your fasting day, so we’ll be diving into the actual process of fasting. Managing Hunger If you’re worried about not being able to handle hunger, having an enzyme drink on hand can be a lifesaver. Whenever you feel hungry, drink it either straight or diluted with water. At our salon in Fukuoka, we provide professional-grade enzyme drinks. If you’re purchasing one yourself, be sure to...
